With a more sustainable future in mind for our planet, for the past few years we have been taking various steps in partnership with our students, teachers and families to make Britannica one of the greenest international schools in Budapest.
As a school, we continue to look for further ways to build sustainability into our school culture, in the curriculum, across all operations and management of the school, and throughout our connections and partnerships in the local and wider community.
David PottingerCEO, Orbital EducationOrbital Education is committed to investing in a sustainable future for our group of schools and we are delighted with the progress and enthusiasm from the team at Britannica.
On a daily basis our staff and students act sustainably in the school. Below you can see examples of the work the school is doing towards sustainability:
Solar Panels

In Spring 2023, we installed a set of amazing solar panels on the school roof. Solar technology converts sunlight to electricity. Solar energy is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available. The energy the school will save annually equates to 9 tons of standard coal, 11 tons of carbon dioxide or planting 15 trees.
- Green Programme: In 2021, we started to reduce our carbon footprint by becoming proud partners of the ELMŰ-ÉMÁSZ Zöld Partner programme – this ‘Green Partner’ programme certifies that the school’s energy supply comes entirely from renewable sources.
Recycling and Reusing initiatives
Trutex are our school uniform provider. They have always been committed to nurturing the future. They were the UK’s first carbon neutral schoolwear company. They have been a carbon neutral organisation since 2012.

There are various clothing and donation drives organised throughout the academic year for a more sustainable use of unwanted items. Our Parents School Association organizes an annual second hand uniform sale, and the school has also introduced an initiative called 'CLOTHING SWAP'. Families in the school can bring their unwanted clothes and/or choose from items brought in by others.
One of the school's annual events is the Flea Market, where we help clearing out old toys before Christmas and we also raise money for charity. At the Flea Market children donate old toys, games and books which they do not use any more. On the day, children have the opportunity to buy toys donated by another child. One child’s ‘junk’ will be another child’s ‘treasure’!

The school integrated an effective waste diversion programme so the students can participate in recycling their single use items.
Teaching sustainability and social responsibility
Research has long shown how positive learning environments and access to green space have many benefits on student learning, engagement and well-being, and we know that environmental education helps both our students and our planet in many ways.

- Eco Warriors and Litter Busters are very active across the school. These extra-curricular clubs aim to help educate children in the importance of taking care of our earth and environment. They also investigate strategies to keep our school clean and green.
Paper waste and other materials are collected and reused where possible.

- Gardening Club in both Primary and Secondary School are ever popular, looking after beautiful flower beds for butterflies, bees and other insects as well as growing new plants.
Insect Hotel
The insect hotel was made by our Gardening Club in order to provide shelter for the different insect species for hiding and overwintering even in different weather conditions. Our insect hotel supports the biodiversity of the environment surrounded by the school.
Meeting Dr Jane Goodall, Ethologist and Conservationist - sustainability- focused leader
Our Primary Student Council had the privilege to meet world-famous primatologist and researcher, Dr Jane Goodall at a Roots & Shoots event during her recent visit to Hungary, where our students presented all the great work we are already doing as a school on sustainability and conservation in our community. Our students felt truly honoured to have met the legendary scientist, conservationist, and humanitarian whose ground-breaking discoveries have shaped our understanding of what it means to be human.
Meatless Mondays

Britannica introduced Meatless Mondays in the school canteen to motivate students to adopt more vegetarian meals in their daily eating routine. Meatless Monday is an international campaign that encourages people to not eat meat on Mondays to improve their health and the health of the planet.
Britannica's Website host is GREEN
The school's website is hosted by a company Servd and it is stored in a data centre using 100% renewable energy.

Please click here to view the school's Environmental Policy