Find out what our parents, students and staff say about our school
Current Primary School Parent2025We will be forever grateful that you all believed in our daughter and gave her the opportunity to be herself, shine and be her best version. Her successful year at Britannica last year is the main reason for our decision to remain one more year in Budapest.
Former Primary School Parent2023As Diana and I settle into our new life in New York, our hearts often wander back to the cherished memories we created at Britannica International School in Budapest. It’s been a remarkable journey since we left, yet the laughter, kindness, and warmth of Britannica continue to resonate with us. Your school wasn't just an educational institution for us; it was a beacon of joy and a source of many happy moments. The experience at Britannica was a shining chapter in our lives, a beautiful beginning to our journey away from our homeland.
The school provides an encouraging and understanding community all around, further motivating me!
Current Year 10 student2024Primary School Parent2024The teachers are professional, extremely kind, and take care of all the kids. They are always smiling, and nice to our son. He is always talking about the school when he is home, which means he is very happy there. Actually his English has already improved a lot since the beginning, week by week. We are very happy with Britannica, amazing job!”
Current Year 8 student2024Britannica takes bullying very seriously and the teachers teach us extremely well!
The school is commended for its friendly and inclusive community culture, and staff are commended for the provision of a wide range of intercultural opportunities through the curriculum and extra-curricular programme, helping students develop as global citizens.”
CIS Inspection Report2020Former Year 13 student2020I was super happy and excited when I received my A Level results and got an unconditional placement offer from UCL. It was Britannica that really helped me achieve my goals so now I can study Economics at one of the best universities in the world.”
Teacher2021If I were to describe our school environment in one word, it would be - authentic. There is such a warm, welcoming, familiar feel as soon as you walk through the door. Parents are encouraged to be involved in their child's learning, who are all an absolute pleasure to teach!"
Although our son spent only two years at Britannica, it was a really important milestone in his life. It is in Britannica where he transformed from a shy boy to a jovial kid who really loves to talk, socialize and interact with people. We are really thankful to each and every one including teachers, staff, classmates and others. Without their support this transformation could not have been possible.”
Former Secondary School Parent2022Current Year 13 student2024My teachers are genuinely reliable and I feel supported by them, receiving personalized, realistic and constructive feedback.
Former Year 6 Student2022I made so many friends from around the world here, and my teachers are kind and explain things differently when I don’t understand something. I really like our friendship bench on the playground, and coming up with exciting new ideas for school through student leadership.”
Primary School Parent2023We are so grateful and truly lucky to have such caring and wonderful people in our lives. Your passion for teaching and your dedication to your students is outstanding and amazing. I hope you know the priceless impact you are making in so many “little” lives."