Saturday October 14 | 12:35 | 2.3 km | ELTE Lágymányosi Campus, Fehér Marcell Emlékpark
As part of the 38th Spar Budapest Marathon weekend, join the Britannica Team on October 14th at the 'Maratonka' Family Fun Run, a 2.3km race ideal for everyone in the family, regardless of whether you are a beginner or a seasoned running enthusiast!
This is a brilliant opportunity to look after our wellbeing and health, represent our school at this popular event and celebrate our achievements together.
Meeting Point

The event starts at 12:35, but we are meeting at 12:00 at the corner of the ELTE Lágymányosi Campus on Fehér Marcell Emlékpark. Wear a blue t-shirt!

Everyone must register individually ahead of the race. Application deadline: midnight, October 10th, 2023.
- Visit the official Spar Budapest 2.3km Marathonka webpage.
- Click on the red 'Nevezek Most' button to begin your registration.
- You will be redirected to the BSI Registration page, where you can switch to English in the top right corner.
- After you've logged in / registered, simply fill in the form to complete your event registration.
We kindly ask from the students to wear a PE (physical education uniform) or any t-shirt connecting to our school. Parents who has no Britannica t-shirt, please wear a blue colored T-shirt.
If you run into any issues, you can contact Mr Andras Hudetz, PE Teacher here.