Saturday October 14 | 12:35 | 2.3 km | ELTE Lágymányosi Campus, Fehér Marcell Emlékpark

As part of the 38th Spar Budapest Marathon weekend, join the Britannica Team on October 14th at the 'Maratonka' Family Fun Run, a 2.3km race ideal for everyone in the family, regardless of whether you are a beginner or a seasoned running enthusiast!

This is a brilliant opportunity to look after our wellbeing and health, represent our school at this popular event and celebrate our achievements together.

Meeting Point

The event starts at 12:35, but we are meeting at 12:00 at the corner of the ELTE Lágymányosi Campus on Fehér Marcell Emlékpark. Wear a blue t-shirt!


Everyone must register individually ahead of the race. Application deadline: midnight, October 10th, 2023.

  1. Visit the official Spar Budapest 2.3km Marathonka webpage.
  2. Click on the red 'Nevezek Most' button to begin your registration.
  3. You will be redirected to the BSI Registration page, where you can switch to English in the top right corner.
  4. After you've logged in / registered, simply fill in the form to complete your event registration.

We kindly ask from the students to wear a PE (physical education uniform) or any t-shirt connecting to our school. Parents who has no Britannica t-shirt, please wear a blue colored T-shirt.

If you run into any issues, you can contact Mr Andras Hudetz, PE Teacher here.

We look forward to seeing you there!