On Tuesday 18th March, all parents are invited to meet with class and specialist teachers to discuss your child’s learning and progress across the curriculum.

As we did last term, we are offering virtual and in-person meetings to try and best meet the needs of as many parents and families as possible. We understand that some parents would rather meet by Teams due to the convenience of this around working hours and travel, whilst others would rather meet in person.

Therefore, appointments between 13.00-15.40 are available via Teams, while in-person meetings are available after school hours from 15.40-17.00.

Class teachers will be sharing a Teams joining code for Teams meetings via Canvas. You will find this on the home page of your child’s year group Canvas course.

For this Parents’ afternoon, we will be using SchoolCloud to sign up for appointments. Please check your inbox for detailed instructions on logging into SchoolCloud.

All class teacher appointments will be held in their classrooms. Specialist teacher appointments start from 15.30 and run until 17.00 and will be a choice of in person or Teams. All specialist appointments will be held in the Gym.

Whether the appointments are on Teams or in person, parents will need to consider the pick-up time from school when choosing an appointment. The Late Pick-Up service is available in the usual manner if parents have an appointment after school.

If you have difficulty finding a suitable appointment, then please contact your child’s class teacher and they will help you find another time which would suit you better.

Please sign up for your allotted time by Monday 17th March at the latest.