Friday, June 21 | 8:00 - 9:00 | Top Yard
For the last couple of years, we have invited Sulizsák clothes collection to Britannica. This is where families have the opportunity to donate old clothes and clear out their wardrobes. They also accept hats, gloves, scarves and household textiles (blankets, sheets etc). Only clean and undamaged items should be donated.
This is super useful for families who are leaving the country, and for those with fast growing children!
The event will happen on 21st June, 8:00-9:00am at the top entrance near the turnstile, with allocated spots to donate for each class. This is because we have made it into a class competition, where the class with the most donations in Primary gets a special crafting activity as a treat at the end of term!
Students should bring in the bags on the day onlybecause we do not have a lot of storage space.
For every kilogram donated, Sulizsák will pay a small amount of money, which will be spent on eco projects and the school's student-led garden.
Plastic bags to put the donations in will arrive soon and will be distributed by class teachers, but you can use any other bag, too, labelled with the class name.