Open Day

Wednesday morning saw a large number of prospective new parents visiting Britannica for the first Open Day of this Academic Year. This event was added to the school calendar as a result of a surge in interest in the school during this first term. The families listened to a short presentation from the senior team, had the opportunity to meet with and hear from our excellent team of Key Stage Coordinators before visiting classrooms and lessons. The programme finished with a talk from the PSA and an opportunity to find out the application and admission procedures. I would like to thank my Marketing and Admissions taem for their hard work in organising and to all the staff who met and supported parents. It is worth a wider notice that places for next year are already starting to fill and with us being close to capacity, early notice of intentions is recommended, particularly for those families with siblings hoping to join next year

A few reminders:

Please do not park in front of local residents gateways or in front of the school gates.

Brilliant Britannica timings: Wednesday 19th December

 11.35: vendors and primary (KS2) set up tables
11.35: secondary set up tables All lunch breaks are as normal (12.15 Primary, 12.40 Secondary)
 13.45 event begins
 14.30:Musical Interlude in the auditorium orchestra and choir perform  15.20:Primary and secondary stalls close
 15.30:End of school day: All students dismissed
 External vendors can remain open until 16.20
16.20: Official end of event We break up for Christmas at 14.30 on Thursday 20th December.
Please note that late pickup will run to 15.30. only on that day. Please ensure you have made the necessary arrangements for pick-up on this day.

Please note there is no Secondary section in this newsletter because Mr Barker is ill.

Have a good weekend.

Kind regards,

Neil McGarry ( Principal)