This has been a very busy couple of weeks for staff, writing reports as well as teaching some fantastic lessons.

The reports are being given to students today, I have included quite a thorough guide to our grading system which I hope you find useful. For any parents who would like more clarity there will be a workshop on Monday at 9:30 in Room 28 where we can go through the reports in detail if needed. A small apology, last night once we had printed all the reports we noticed a couple of glitches on a few reports. It appears that when using the apostrophe on a Hungarian keyboard, the printer interprets this as code, it doesn’t show on screen so got through our thorough proofreading process. It may be that you see a name like Marco’s as Marco ?34”67b – sorry for that, if you let us know we will reprint this next week. Sorry!

It’s been a very busy term for Year 11 but they have still found time to work with some of our younger members of school. Year 11 had a Christmas reading party with their Year 1 reading buddies to celebrate Year 1's progress in reading, as well as getting to have fun with their Year 11 friends. Year 11 have been fantastic in supporting the younger students' learning, developing key skills and gaining valuable work experience. Thank you to Mr. O’Keefe for making this happen, everyone seems to be getting something really positive out of this.