Dear Parents Welcome to this week’s Newsletter.

Extension update

Our exciting plans to extend the building continue to develop. You may have noticed that we now have four large holes in the playing surface where the tent used to be. These were created by specialist drilling mechanisms designed to accumulate detailed information from deep under the surface. These will be used to ensure that the excavation of the earth and the support pillars inserted prior to the main construction are positioned exactly and align with the layout of the land , the surrounding area and the architects design.

As with any construction project, there will, inevitably be periods of noise and dust but we will try and make sure that most of these take place during the summer months and outside of school teaching hours, whenever possible. I am keen to keep you informed as to the progress of the project and will alert you should there be important parts of the project about to take place that would affect the normal working practice of the school.

The loss of the tent also has curriculum implications for PE. We have developed a plan for this term and the remainder of the school year that is already operational. Further information as what will happen in the Autumn Term will be forthcoming in future Newsletters.

Visit to the Ambassador’s Residence

On Thursday afternoon, I had the pleasure of visiting the British Ambassador Iain Lindsay’s residence for a discussion with other British Nationals about the issues surrounding Britain’s withdrawal from the EU (BREXIT). Needless to say, as with much of the negotiations to date, much remains unclear but there have been a number of reassurances surrounding the relationship between Britain and Hungary from both Governments which make me feel a positive long-term outcome will be achieved for those of us Brits living here in Hungary. I am sure all of our International friends within the Britannica community will be looking on with great interest to see how things unfold over the next few weeks and months.

Summer Uniform

Due to the extreme lateness of the Easter break this year, we have decided to bring forward the changeover date from winter to Summer uniform to Monday 9th April. From this day, students can opt to wear short trousers and a polo shirt which the school crest on, if they wish to. We are planning to have the class photos prior to the break and these are always done in the summer uniform so it made sense to make the switch that much earlier. I wanted to give you some advance warning should you wish to purchase any items. Exact times and dates for the photos will follow in due course.


Thank you to the 257 families who have filled in the Google Survey as to your intentions for the next academic year. If you have not done so yet, please can I request this is soon as possible?

Thank you

Have a great weekend

Neil McGarry (Principal)