Primary News

Important Dates

20th May

Assessment Fortnight begins

3rd June

Mural Painting

5th June

Meet SLT

7th June

New Class Letters

11th June

Step Up Day

12th& 13th June

Primary Swimming Competition

20th June

Y6 Production

21st June

Britannica’s Got Talent

21st June

Reports out to Parents

24th June


26th June

Last day of Term 3

It has been a busy week in Primary with assessment fortnight in full swing. There’s still been lots of time for lovely learning in class too.

Class News The Y4 HAL groups made yummy fruit salad in class, practising the names of fruits, tastes and instructions in Hungarian, with some blindfolded tasting!

On Monday, the MFL department organised its second Y6 transition day of the year. Y8 students brought some French, German and Spanish food and drinks which they shared with Y6 pupils. We started this fine dining experience with individual presentations, then all students sampled food and drinks of their choice. It was a huge success and we would like to thank all of the Y8 parents for making this possible.

Parent Portal

It’s nice to see more parents exploring what the Parent Portal has to offer! The class teachers have been sharing some useful links in their weekly communication. I hope you find this helpful.

On the Parent Portal, you can find some useful Maths resources to support learning at home, recently added by our Maths Coordinator, Mrs Kmetty. There are some posters which can be used alongside homework or displayed at home, including measures and calculations vocabulary, an analogue clock display and measurement conversion flashcards.

To access this information, click on the School Information tab and select Documents and Files – Curriculum – Mathematics - Posters.

Please do take the time to explore the Parent Portal and ask for help from me if you are having trouble registering your account.

If you have further suggestions on what information you would like us to share, do let me know!

You can find the parent portal link on the school website homepage.

Assessment Fortnight

The testing fortnight has begun and the teachers have reported that the children have been focused and working hard this week. Some said that they enjoyed them!

You can see the timetable for testing next week below and can ask your children all about it afterwards.

A reminder: The best thing to do from home is what you always do: read with your child, talk about books, ask about homework and school activities (look at the weekly communication email or learning menu for what they have covered if your child is unresponsive about what they have been learning!) and make sure the children get enough sleep and a good breakfast.


Mon 27th

Tues 28th

Wed 29th

Thur 30th

Fri 31st



2 Mersey Math

5 Thames

4 Tees SPAG

5 Thames

2 Mersey Mental maths

5 Thames

2 Medway Mental Maths

10:40 - 12:15

4 Taw Maths & Mental Maths

2 Medway Maths

5 Teme Maths

4 Taw Reading

4 Taw SPAG

13:00 - 15:30

3 Tamar Maths

3 Tamar Maths

4 Tees Maths

Mural Painting

Last week, you received a letter about our Project Mural Painting Project. We are excited to begin painting on the 3rd June. If you are interested in taking part in the project, please do get in touch. Also, please remember to provide a ‘painting outfit’ to your child for the day to save their uniform from stray paint splodges which won’t wash out!

Classes Next Year

Please note that you will be receiving a letter detailing your child’s new class, teacher, TA and room on Friday 7th June. There will then be a Step Up Day where your child will spend the morning in their new class on Tuesday 11th June.

Hungarian Storytelling

This year again the Hungarian Department is organising Storytelling Weeks in Primarybetween 10th to 21st June. We kindly invite any parents interested to come and share a story with the children in the Hungarian lessons. It can be a tale, a personal story, an excerpt from a favourite novel or something about Hungarian history; anything that would be interesting for the pupils. Stories in English about Hungarian culture are also welcome in the HAL groups. If you are interested in joining us for a lesson, please sign up for one of the Hungarian lessons with a Hungarian teacher or contact Mrs Dinnyes at


This week, assembly was a Celebration of our wonderful children (and teachers and parents!) and all they have achieved outside of the classroom, led by Miss Tonge and Miss Lawson.

We also did some one-minute meditation with Miss Lawson and congratulated our Stars of the Week.

Many congratulations to all children who appeared in the merit book. Check out the Britannica Facebook page for photos of assembly.

Star of the Week

1 Axe


5 Teme


1 Avon


5 Thames


2 Medway


6 Trent


2 Mersey


6 Tyne


3 Tamar



Harry Year 3 Tamar

3 Stour



Mihaly Y6 Trent

4 Tees



Geonyoung Y4 Tees

4 Taw



Kohana Y2 Mersey


Jan Y5 Teme


Concerns and Queries

This is a reminder to parents that if you have any concerns or worries, please contact your child’s teacher. You can find all email addresses under the teacher’s picture on the school website:

The Key Stage Coordinators can also help:,, and of course, I would be happy to help too at

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your families,

Marie Moreton

Head of Primary