Dear Britannica Parents,

Welcome back to the second half of the Spring Term. We hope you all had a wonderful, safe, and fun winter break. It was good to see you all on Monday!

The school hosted an Open Day on Wednesday, 27 Feb. The Britannica students who took different nationality parents to tour the school did a fantastic job. Kudos go out to all of them.

We are working hard on obtaining raffle prizes and renting stalls for our upcoming Spring Fayre, 4 May. Our main prize donor, Wizz Air, has graciously agreed to sponsor us with four (4) gift vouchers this year. A Big Thank You goes out to Wizz Air!!

We could use more support with raffle donors and stall rentals. If you are interested, or have contacts, that would be willing to support our charity event, please have them contact Ray, or an executive committee member soonest. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

We will hold a Coffee Morning later this month to officially kickoff Spring Fayre planning activities.

The following date reminders are provided:

6 March, next Wednesday, there will be a Transition meeting for Year 5 and 6 parents, 8.45-9.30 in the Auditorium.

8 Mar, Cookie Friday, hosted by Y2 Medway and Y8B, Yummy!

13 March, Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Coffee morning.

The main agenda item will be feedback from the parent survey. The SLT meeting will be from 8.45 - 10.00 in the Auditorium.

21 Mar - Parents Afternoon.

March is also World Book Month. Class Reps will be establishing parent reading times with their respective teachers. Parents can then come in and read to the children based upon the established class reading times. More details to follow on dates, etc.

Please join us in welcoming our new students (for the specifics, email Ray).

Also, if you see any of our new students and/or parents, please give them a Big PSA welcome.

Until next week....


Ray R., Barbara B., Izabella I., Szilvia N., Maria Molina S.