Secondary News

Welcome to Secondary news

We started the week with some fabulous presentations from Year 8 who told us all about their Hungarian visit and some really interesting Hungarian history about Queen Elizabeth of Bavaria. It was particularly enlightening to watch a demonstration of making a face mask from slugs!

Thank you to all parents who have sent money for the Year 7 & 8 and Year 9 &10 camps, these look like they are going to be very popular and great fun. We have really scoured the area to find great camps with good accomodation and facilities and I would encourage you to get deposits in as soon as possible. Once we have all the information about who is going we will give the final details for all parents. In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact Ms. Peters or Mr. O’Keefe, thank you.

A reminder that internal examinations for Years 7-10 and some Year 12 subjects will run from 29th May to 4th June. We will be sending out the exam timetable next week.

Have a great weekend, the sun is back; not sure for how long this time!

Concerns and Queries

KS3 Coordinator – Years 7-9 Laura Peters

KS4 Coordinator – Years 10 & 11 Shaun O’Keefe

KS5 Coordinator – Years 12 & 13 Andor Spisak a.spisak

Please continue to contact your child’s form teacher in the first instance. You can find all email addresses under the teacher’s picture on the school website:

I am happy to meet with you if you have any major concerns, or even if you’d just like a chat about school in general! My email address is

Next Week will be

Week B

Thank you

Greg Barker Head of Secondary