Welcome to Secondary news

Well, exams are over which I feel is a relief for many of our students! We do try very hard to encourage the students to treat these exams seriously but to not place too much pressure on them! We are not one of those schools where everything depends on end of year exams, they are just a ‘snapshot’ of where students are at a moment in time and no more than that. Of course, as they move up the school, particularly in preparation for iGCSE and A Level, these take on a different significance and we hope by then students have learned that it is not enough just to work in the two weeks before exams, the acquisition of knowledge is cummulative and needs steady work throughout the whole year!

Here is a brief account of 9As class trip from Ms. Pascual.

“On Wednesday 9A went on a tutor trip. Or first stop was at the zoo, where we saw some animals. Pupils enjoyed it and also used their PSHE lessons to realise that it is unfair to have polar bears in Budapest as it is not the right climate for them, and that it is altogether unfair to keep them in cages; so this visit lead to a very enriching conversation exploring animal cruelty and animal rights. After the zoo, the class enjoyed the lovely weather at Varosligeti park while having their lunch. Finally, 9A went to SuperFly for 90 minutes of active jumping. The whole class loved it, showing some amazing skills at back flips and also playing games as a group. Altogether, it was a fantastic day where pupils did some exercise, developed their friendships and worked on a critical thinking”

Here are a couple of pictures to show you the fun they had!

Have a great long weekend! No school on Monday

Concerns and Queries

KS3 Coordinator – Years 7-9 Laura Peters l.peters@britannicaschool.hu

KS4 Coordinator – Years 10 & 11 Shaun O’Keefe s.okeefe@britannicaschool.hu

KS5 Coordinator – Years 12 & 13 Andor Spisak a.spisak@britannicaschool.hu

Please continue to contact your child’s form teacher in the first instance. You can find all email addresses under the teacher’s picture on the school website:


I am happy to meet with you if you have any major concerns, or even if you’d just like a chat about school in general! My email address is g.barker@britannicaschool.hu

Next Week will be

Week A

Thank you,

Greg Barker

Head of Secondary