Welcome to Secondary news.
Firstly, it was lovely to see so many parents here yesterday for our Meet the Teacher event, I know it’s not always easy to make arrangements to get here at that time so I really appreciate those who could manage it.
For those who were unable to attend I just would like to emphasise a couple of points I raised with parents. The first is around punctuality, our expectation is that children are in their classes ready to start the day at 8:20, this means that really they should be in school by 8:15. Please do all you can to help ensure they are here in plenty of time. I understand that sometimes events are out of our hands and sometimes even the school bus is late but every effort to keep these to a minimum is much appreciated.
The other point I wanted to push is the Bring Your Own Technology policy, the majority of students are now brining appropriate devices into school, so thank you so much for your support in this. It is important we keep this up and makes sure every student has an appropriate deve (not a mobile phone) with them every day.
Apart from this, the school feels calm and purposeful as I go round, students seem well focussed and engaged in lessons and there is a purposful atmosphere almost all the time. We’ll make sure this continues throughout the year!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Concerns and Queries
KS3 Coordinator – Years 7-8 Peter Sprawson p.sprawson@britannicaschool.hu
KS4 Coordinator – Years 9-11 Laura Peters l.peters@britannicaschool.hu
Please continue to contact your child’s form teacher in the first instance. You can find all email addresses under the teacher’s picture on the school website:
I am happy to meet with you if you have any major concerns, or even if you’d just like a chat about school in general! My email address is g.barker@britannicaschool.hu
Next Week will be
Week A
Thank you
Greg Barker Head of Secondary