Welcome to Secondary news.

Well, we’ve had a hectic week with the CIS visit but, as we would hope, secondary has carried as normal. I’m sure Neil will say more in his newsletter but I was particularly pleased to get feedback about how polite and caring our students were in the secondary school. I was also very happy to here how impressed our visitors were with what they saw in our lessons, I see it daily but to have it confirmed by colleagues from other schools is always pleasing.

Great news, our mission to take part school sport across the city has begun and both the girls and boys football teams were in action this week. Both the under 14 teams were involved in a tournament at BISB although the results were mixed, all our players acquitted themselves well and were great ambassadors for Britannica. The boys came second in two games and won one, not a bad start and lots of potential for improvement. The girls also came second in one game losing 1-0 but managed a draw in both the other games. Early days but a promising start and we are all really proud of all our students for giving of their best. Huge thanks to Mr. Turnbull for organising this and the other staff who gave up their time to take the students and support them. Thank you also to parents who are supporting in many ways, be it making sure kit is clean or driving miles to collect children, thanks! More matches coming up – watch this space.

Don’t forget International Day, if you can contribute in anyway, please let us know.

Tomorrow is the ‘fun’ run, we are meeting at 11:30 at the ELTE campus – I for one can’t wait having done no running since the same time last year. If I survive, I’ll give you an update next week.

Have a great weekend!

Concerns and Queries

KS3 Coordinator – Years 7-8 Peter Sprawson p.sprawson@britannicaschool.hu

KS4 Coordinator – Years 9-11 Laura Peters l.peters@britannicaschool.hu

Please continue to contact your child’s form teacher in the first instance. You can find all email addresses under the teacher’s picture on the school website:


I am happy to meet with you if you have any major concerns, or even if you’d just like a chat about school in general! My email address is g.barker@britannicaschool.hu

Next Week will be

Week B

Thank you

Greg Barker Head of Secondary