Hello parents, and any other readers!

We started this week with a really interesting assembly from 8A about fake news and the damaging impact that gossip can can have on individuals and, indeed, organasations. They also told us about rumours and this is just the same as telling lies and can be equally hurtful and damaging! Good lessons for us all I think.

As the weather picks up, I’d just like to give a gentle reminder about uniform, over 95% of our students are in the correct uniform every day, however, occasionally some of the girls are coming with skirts that are really too short for school – the rule is no more than 10cm above the knee. I’d be very gratefull if parents would just have a quick look at uniforms in the morning if possible, having a check of shoes as well. It can seem a little petty sometimes, but wearing the appropriate closthes and following rules are important lessons to get right.

Finally, another gentle reminder, students are expected to be in their tutor rooms at 8:20. This means they have been to their lockers, changed their shoes and anything else they might need to do to be prpared for the day. Arriving at 8:20 or later makes this impossible and makes them late and rushed. Please support the school as much as possible in getting your children here in plenty of time. Thank you.

Have a great week!

Concerns and Queries

KS3 Coordinator – Years 7-9 Laura Peters l.peters@britannicaschool.hu

KS4 Coordinator – Years 10 & 11 Shaun O’Keefe s.okeefe@britannicaschool.hu

KS5 Coordinator – Years 12 & 13 Andor Spisak a.spisak @britannicaschool.hu

Please continue to contact your child’s form teacher in the first instance. You can find all email addresses under the teacher’s picture on the school website. See teachers.

I am happy to meet with you if you have any major concerns, or even if you’d just like a chat about school in general! My email address is g.barker@britannicaschool.hu

Next Week will be

Week A

Thank you!

Greg Barker

Head of Secondary