Welcome to Secondary news

As I look out of my office window I can see a very large drilling machine waiting to extract soil from beneath the tennis courts reminding me of two things; firstly, the new building and all the potential that offers for our students and staff, and secondly, the sounds of a building site for the next few months! Hopefully we won’t have too much impact from the work but some noise intrusion is inevitable. I think my first assembly at britannica, back in August, was all about resillience, a quality we will all need over the coming weeks and months!

This week we had a speaker in the Hungarian version of Child Line who spoke to the whole of secondary about the services they offer. They were very grateful for the substantial sum of money we raised, so thank you for your generosity towards this very valuable charity.

Just a quick note to parents about skateboards – while we love the children to be active and encourage most sporting activities, we just don’t have the space for skateboarding on the school site, so while students are very welcome to skateboard to and from school if you think that’s appropriate, they will not be allowed to use them in school. Thanks for your support with this!

Other than that, both staff and students have been ploughing on in a generally calm and industrious way

Have a great long weekend!

Concerns and Queries

KS3 Coordinator – Years 7-9 Laura Peters l.peters@britannicaschool.hu

KS4 Coordinator – Years 10 & 11 Shaun O’Keefe s.okeefe@britannicaschool.hu

KS5 Coordinator – Years 12 & 13 Andor Spisak a.spisak @britannicaschool.hu

Please continue to contact your child’s form teacher in the first instance. You can find all email addresses under the teacher’s picture on the school website. See teachers.

I am happy to meet with you if you have any major concerns, or even if you’d just like a chat about school in general! My email address is g.barker@britannicaschool.hu

Next Week will be

Week B

Thank you

Greg Barker

Head of Secondary