Current Parents

Will the learning continue online?

Yes. Teachers will be available remotely and contactable at the times of their normal lessons. Sufficient work will be set and available to meet the needs of all learners. These circumstances are different to a school holiday.

Parents should encourage students to engage with the at-home learning opportunities provided by the school during this time. Please ensure that your children are able to access this and if you have any logistical issues please contact our IT manager for assistance.

Will teachers be video conferencing with their classes?

Not necessarily, it’s an option they may choose to use for all, some or none of their lessons. If they do use video conferencing, they will limit the timings to when classes would normally take place. This will prevent clashes with other lessons. Please ensure that if children are taking part in a video conference, they have a suitable area to work in and are appropriately dressed.

Will staff take a register?

No, but tracking using our online platforms will help teachers plan for future lessons to support the students’ continuing progress.

Do students have to do the work set for them?

No, of course we advise them to, but it is up to the parents and students as to how much of the work we provide is completed.

Will teachers mark the work that students complete?

Yes, marking of work is expected to happen in the same way teachers would normally mark work set online (e.g. Canvas Gradebook).

Does everything set need to be completed online?

No. Teachers will try to consider students’ wellbeing and try to set a variety of tasks that not only keep them engaged but varies the learning style.

How will this impact on external exams?

All of our information on this will come directly from the Qualifications Agency in the UK and we will keep you informed.

Can I come to school during the closure?

No. School premises are not accessible during this time.

Should I go home or travel during this time?

Individuals always have to make a personal assessment of their family’s wellbeing. As long as students are able to access their online materials, it shouldn’t matter where they are. However, please respect government guidelines on international travel.

Is the stability of school staff affected by the virus?

Staff at Britannica remain determined to provide continuous and high-quality remote online learning to all our students from Primary school through Sixth Form whilst access to the premises is restricted.

When will the school reopen?

The Hungarian Government adopted a decision to temporarily close all schools, effective Monday 16 March 2020 until further notice. We will keep you updated of any changes as and when these are communicated to us. Please note, only access to the school premises will close on Monday 16 March, the school and its services will continue to provide education online.

How confident can I be for my children to return to school once the Ministry allows?

Individuals always have to make a personal assessment of their family’s wellbeing in such situations. The school continues to monitor and review government directives, advice and guidance from the World Health Organisation and would only reopen the premises when we are certain of high levels of safety and security on site.

Tips to help you keep on track with your schoolwork and your routines at home:

  • Consistency is key: maintain your regular morning routine of waking up, eating a nutritious breakfast, and getting dressed.
  • Pick a spot that is free of distractions to set up your device and study materials.
  • Create a daily schedule and use a spreadsheet to keep track of all your tasks, assignments and deadlines.
  • Take breaks: eat healthy snacks and do exercises to stay energised and alert.
  • Stay engaged in your e-learning: engaging with your teachers and classmates can help you stay connected with your school community. Reach out to your peers and advisors for extra help when needed.
  • Most importantly, maintain good hygiene habits to stay safe and healthy. Take a look at our Health Advice page for more information on this.

Will there be extra work set during the Easter holidays?

There are no special measures planned at this stage, but examination students may find it useful to continue studying during this period. This Wakelet may help with this: 22 Minutes to Triumph

How will I receive further communication?

All official communication will come directly through the Principal via iSAMS. Please direct any further questions to the Principal if you cannot find the answer elsewhere. Please note, he is not medically trained and would have no more information than is available online.

Prospective Parents

Can I visit the school during the closure of the premises?

Access to the school premises is restricted at this time. Until further notice, visitors are denied access. Our Admissions Team will keep in touch with you if you already had a visit or assessment scheduled.

How can I make an enquiry about the school during the closure?

If you would like to make a new enquiry, you are welcome to email our Admissions Team at or call +36 30 342 4886 and we will provide you with comprehensive information regarding the school and our admission process. Alternatively, you can make an admissions enquiry online too.

How can I apply to register my child to join the school at this time?

You are welcome to complete our application form, which you will find here.

Is it possible for my child to receive a school offer during this time?

Offers will be made once all documentation has been received, the applicant has completed assessments and these have been approved by our Admissions and Senior Leadership Teams.