Primary News

It has been a busy week in Primary with topic launches, a mid-year review of progress and our community Britannica Skate this evening. There has been plenty of time for lovely learning in class too.

Class News

Y5 Teme have enjoyed practising for their class assembly. Please see the gallery for pictures.

Year 6 commence the new year immersed in their study of Light. Please see the gallery for pictures.

Y5 Thames had a busy art lesson creating 3D tornado mobiles and using careful shading techniques.

In Art, Y4 Taw students were drawing gods, goddesses and hieroglyphics for their ancient Egyptian 3D paper tomb.

In English they have been learning about persuasive writing. They listed the different forms of persuasive text and discussed the importance of fact gathering in order to persuade someone about an issue. They were researching using the Internet.

Maths Week

Next week is Maths Week where all of Primary will be participating in fun activities to help us achieve our targets in Maths this year: money problems and shape.In each Key Stage, children will be either junk modelling, tessellating and creating shape mosaics as part of our project. We will also be solving money problems in our flea market.

Flea Market

Do you want to have a clear-out after Christmas and all of Santa’s gifts? Primary will be holding a Flea Market as part of the Maths Week activities. Simply bring in old toys, books, games or clothes for sale by Thursday 23rd January. Items will be for sale on that day which will raise money for the community art project in the final term.

Children can buy the items and participate in Maths problem solving around money, our school target this year. It should be a lot of fun too!

Parent Portal

Class Representatives had mentioned that it would be useful to share information about how children can continue learning at home in MFL. As a result, Mrs Jenkins has gathered some resources and I have posted them to the following pathway:

School Information – Documents and Files – Curriculum – MFL - French

For help in registering, please ask me or your Class Representatives for advice.

The above resources are in addition to the wonderful activities you can find on Education City which you can find here: Please ask your child’s class teacher for log-in details if your child has misplaced them.

As always, if you find any information on the Parent Portal missing or unclear, do either let me or your Class Representative know so we can continually improve what we communicate and do.


This week’s assembly was Y5 Teme with a theme of natural disasters.

Many congratulations to all of our stars of the week - you can find their pictures and reasons for receiving them in the display in reception.

Congratulations also for those children who appeared in the Merit Book – please feel free to flick through the golden pages; the book is stored outside the Primary Office and parents are encouraged to take a look – it does make your children proud!

Star of the Week

Eco Warrior award: Year 6 Tyne

Concerns and Queries

This is a reminder to parents that if you have any concerns or worries, please contact your child’s teacher. You can find all email addresses under the teacher’s picture on the school website:

The Key Stage Coordinators are also very lovely and willing to help. You can contact them here:

KS1 Coordinator - Rosie Wolland:

LKS2 Coordinator - Justyna Bilski:

UKS2 Coordinator - Ryan Phillips:

I hope you all have an incredible Christmas holiday with your families! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

Marie Moreton

Head of Primary