It has been a busy week in Primary with Pi Day and filming for our website video. There has been plenty of time for lovely learning in class too.

Class News

This week in science Y5 Teme investigated how air resistance works on falling objects by making paper helicopters.

Y5 Thames have also been investigating paper helicopters.

Y3 Stour have been getting creative with some spring art in watercolour. Please see the gallery for details.

Pi Day

Today was Pi Day where classes celebrated in their maths lesson with Pi-related activities. KS1 created Pi digit paper chains, KS2 measured and calculated while UKS2 also wrote Pi-ku poetry with the digits of Pi represented. We also launched it in 3 Key Stage assemblies with a Pi recital competition and introduction from our Maths Coordinator, Mr Kyle and from me.

Book Week

Coming up in the final week of term, we will have a Book Week celebration. On Friday 3rd April, we will have a book character dress-up day and parade. Children can come dressed as their favourite book character and there will be a parade in assembly.

On Monday 30th March, we will be visited by Peter Jones, a local author, who will read some books and discuss the process of being an author. His books will also be for sale on Monday and Friday.

Classes of younger and older students will also be paired up for a teacher swap and reading to each other. Parents are also invited to come to the library during playtime or lunchtime of book week to read a story in your native language. It is so important to maintain reading in the mother tongue and this promotes a love of reading in any language. If you are interested in taking part, please contact me or Lorna Robertson at or

Parents' Afternoon

Sadly, the parents’ Afternoon scheduled for Thursday 19th March will need to be postponed or cancelled. We must follow the Hungarian Health Authority guidelines regarding gatherings of more than 100 people. Whether or not we are able to reschedule depends on the situation and guidelines from the authorities.

Teachers will still be preparing target reviews and setting new targets for learning. More information will follow.

House Competition

On Wednesday 18th March, all of Primary will take part in a fun house quiz which reviews the topics covered so far this year and promotes teamwork and collaboration between the yeargroups. The format will need to be altered slightly to be in-keeping with Health authority advice, but is still planned to go ahead at this stage. Many thanks to Miss Pal for running this event – Primary can’t wait!

Country Representatives

It is useful to have country representatives for each country or region in our school. This has obvious benefits for events such as international day, but is also very helpful when integrating new families into our community. It is always reassuring to find others who share the same language, culture and can give advice, as well as meeting others from a variety of other countries and cultures in our international community.

If you would be interested in being a country rep, please email to let me know.

Parent Portal

Parents who have been attending the workshops increasingly know what they didn’t know before and as a result, have requested further resources to support learning at home. I have added some extra reading materials to support questioning and activities at home. Please find the additional reading resources at the following pathway:

School Information – Documents and Files – Curriculum – English - Reading

As always, if you find any information on the Parent Portal missing or unclear, do either let me or your Class Representative know so we can continually improve what we communicate and do.


This week’s assembly was Pi Day with Mr Kyle who launched the activities of the day. It followed a different format in key stages to ensure that we were below 100 people according to health authority guidelines.

Many congratulations to all of our stars of the week - you can find their pictures and reasons for receiving them in the display in reception.

Congratulations also for those children who appeared in the Merit Book – please feel free to flick through the golden pages; the book is stored outside the Primary Office and parents are encouraged to take a look – it does make your children proud!

Eco Warrior award: Year 1 Avon

Concerns and Queries

This is a reminder to parents that if you have any concerns or worries, please contact your child’s teacher. You can find all email addresses under the teacher’s picture on the school website:

The Key Stage Coordinators are also very lovely and willing to help. You can contact them here:

KS1 Coordinator - Rosie Wolland:

LKS2 Coordinator – Rebekah Fox:

UKS2 Coordinator - Ryan Phillips:

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your families!

Marie Moreton

Head of Primary