Trips are a great way to enhance the curriculum and learning experiences for our students here at Britannica.

Learning outside the classroom through day trips are not only great fun, but they allow students to absorb, interact and immerse themselves in a practical way, applying all that they have been learning in lessons at school. Various Ofsted (the UK Office for Standards in Education) reports have in the past concluded that learning outside the classroom contributes significantly to raising standards and improving pupils’ personal, social and emotional development.

As such, here at Britannica we endeavour to give our students as many opportunities as possible to bring their lessons to life through educational trips.

Our Year 6s, for example, had a fantastic time at the Natural History Museum at the beginning of Term, and similarly our Year 4s hardly wanted to leave Budapest Zoo during their amazing visit in celebration of their Rainforest topic learning!

In Secondary School, our students successfully demonstrated their skills of collaboration, teamwork, problem solving and map reading as they roamed around Budapest as part of their first Discovery Day of the academic year, searching for clues linked to countries participating in this year's football World Cup and completing challenges as teams throughout the day.

At MiniPolisz, an amazing child-sized interactive activity centre, our Year 1s had the opportunity to become little vets, firefighters, shopkeepers, policemen, hairdressers and more, which was such a unique learning experience for them, encouraging their curiosity and creativity to flourish.

Being immersed in information and being involved in visual and practical experiences will help students remember, learn and understand subjects. This was certainly the case recently for our Year 3s, who visited the Palace of Wonders (Csodák Palotája), and engaged with many interactive STEAM exhibits, took a trip to space, and learnt about magnets and dry ice - to name but a few of the fun activities they took part in during their exciting outing.

Follow our weekly Newsletter for more information on upcoming Trips planned throughout the academic year.