At Britannica, we believe that continued professional development for teachers is key to nurturing happy and successful students.

Education is an ever-evolving field, and as such, our dedicated teachers are keen to stay on top of the latest research trends and pedagogical approaches. In Budapest, there are many professional training opportunities for teachers, both within Britannica and the Orbital group, as well as through external international networks such as WomenEd Hungary. Ultimately, the goal is to enrich the learning experiences of our students in the classroom.

WomenEd is a UK-based charity with international branches all over the world. It is a volunteer-led non-profit organisation supporting women in education. Its local branch, WomenEd Hungary, launched in February 2023 with eager commitment from founding members including Ms Ward from the Britannica team. WomenEd Hungary hosted their first full day conference at the end of April, of which Britannica was a proud sponsor! This one-day conference brought together over 50 educators from within Budapest and beyond, to share their knowledge and expertise on various interesting pedagogical topics, with 20 sessions on offer by speakers from Hungary, Sweden, Germany, the UK and more.

From Britannica, not only were there many staff members present as participants at the conference, but two of our enthusiastic teachers, Ms Happiness and Ms Dinnyés respectively led workshops on project-based learning and developing multilingualism in international schools, while two of our Year 13 graduates led a student voice panel discussion on hot topics including AI and women in STEAM.

When educators discover new teaching strategies through professional development, they are able to go back to the classroom and adapt their teaching styles and lesson content to better suit students’ needs. Through the power of collaboration, our teachers can begin to apply their newfound knowledge in the classroom to create dynamic, experiential learning opportunities for our students.