As part of their Topic theme, our Year 5s have been learning all about the Titanic recently, and had an exciting exchange with the cruise line, Cunard, to which the famous ship once belonged.

Our Year 5s wrote and sent a series of compelling letters to White Star Line, now Cunard, as if they were passengers who survived the Titanic tragedy and were writing to the cruise line to complain about their journey.

Much to their excitement – a genuine response was received from the cruise line’s complaints department!

Our students were delighted to receive a response. This exchange not only validated their efforts, but goes a very long way in encouraging their engagement with learning outside the classroom in general.

Writing to a company outside of our school, and then receiving such a wonderful response in character, has given purpose and meaning to our children’s learning. It also helps develop understanding of the importance of communication and the value of expressing themselves.

We would like to extend a big thank you to the representatives at Cunard, particularly Ms Peirce, for the time and effort taken to engage with our students on this meaningful project, broadening their perspective by showing them that their voices matter and that they can initiate positive change through dialogue.