Marta Hajdu2020

Márta Hajdú

Teacher of Hungarian | Year 10A Tutor

Marta studied at Eötvös Loránd University, specialising in Hungarian language and literature and Hungarian as a foreign language.

After finishing her studies in Budapest, she won a scholarship for a dual training offered by the Italian-Hungarian Studies Curriculum in the Institute of Foreign Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies at the University of Florence.

Alongside her studies, Marta has taught in a bilingual environment, in the community life organisation for the Tuscan Italian-Hungarian Cultural Association, taking active part in the education process of the Hungarian weekend school Skolabusz.

She also taught Hungarian as a foreign language with AIAU Onlus, an international adoption organisation based in Florence. The range of her teaching experience is enhanced by the fact she has also worked as a cultural mediator during her stay in Italy, in a primary school.

Marta is a big theatre lover, she plays the flute and loves taking big walks with her small dachshund, Luna.