Welcome to the start of the 2024-25 academic year!

We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday August 27 for the first day of school! The school day starts as normal at 8.20am and finishes at 3.30pm.


Primary – Year 1 - Year 6

The school day starts as normal at 8.20, although there will be staff on the top yard playground from 8am. Please send your children to the top yard before 8.20 as normal. Do not go directly to the classrooms as all teachers will be on the top playground and there will be no supervision in the school building. Classes will meet on the playground and will be walked down to their rooms with their classmates.

We understand that the first day can be nerve-wracking, even for returning students and especially for new starters and little ones. For this reason, parents are most welcome on the top playground and parents of the little ones in Years 1-4 can accompany their children as they walk down to their classrooms, if they wish. Parents of Year 1 and 2 may stay for a short while they settle, although this is often easier after parents have left!

For the first 2 periods, classes will remain together, getting to know their new teacher and classmates. After playtime, lessons and introductions to topics will start. You will receive your timetable in the first week.

Years 1-3 will have a snack provided but you should send an afternoon snack and a refillable water bottle. Years 4-6 should have all snacks (morning and afternoon) and water bottles provided.

The day finishes at 3.30 and parents can collect their children from the top playground as normal.

There will be no clubs for the first few weeks, but more information will come shortly regarding this.

Late Pick up will be situated in room 5a and 5b (down the ramp from reception) if you will be later collecting your child and our security guard will help to fetch your child(ren) for you. The service is available until 5pm. Your child will be delivered to late pick up by the class teacher or TA.

Secondary – Year 7 - Year 13

All Secondary students should enter through the front entrance by 8.20am. New students will be met at reception by their Head of Key Stage and escorted to their Form rooms to be introduced to their Tutors and new Tutor group.

For the first 2 periods on the first day, Tutor groups will remain together, to cover school expectations and organisational matters. The students will receive their timetables. From Period 3, lessons will begin. During the first week, students will visit the library to collect the books they need for their courses.

The day finishes at 3.30. Students may make their own way home or be collected from the front of the school building.

There will be no clubs for the first few weeks, but more information will come shortly regarding this.

PE & Swimming – Whole School

Students will not need their swimming kit in the first week of school.

They should instead bring PE Uniform (or sports kit if they don't yet have the uniform) plus trainers for both PE and swimming lessons during the first week.

Swimming lessons will commence from the second week of school.


If your child does not yet have a school uniform, please don't worry as we have a sample set of sizes for you to try in the auditorium every night after school in the first week.

If your child doesn't yet have a PE uniform at the start of the year, any comfortable active wear is acceptable until you are able to acquire the correct sports kit.